Ohio State Fair 2012

Columbus, Ohio

I had the opportunity to visit the Ohio State Fair twice this season. Opening day was fun. Everything was clean (including the cooking oil). The animals were fresh and the vendors had not been worn out by fair goers. I went a week later mainly to do some night photography but went early enough to enjoy more of the fair. You can smell the cooking oil and sugars in the air. The pig barn had an odor also. But it was of the animal kind. You had to watch out. As one lady put it: "It's like herding cats". But it was fun to watch especially the young people trying to move their pigs to be weighed. One of the cows had a calf about 90 minutes before I shot my images. The cow was so patient cleaning up it's calf and putting up with children petting both of them. At one point the cow started cleaning up one of the children.

Then as the sun went down the lights went on. Each night there is fireworks to cap off the day's activities. Always fun at the fair.

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